Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fear vs Faith: A God of The Known & Unknown!

     If you're like me then at times you struggle with fear. I've struggled with fear, anxiety, depression, and stress since my early teens and at times it has gripped my life, limited my actions, and sucked the joy right out of me. I let fear confine me to my home town for three years! Three straight years I didn't leave the city limits of my home town because of fear, fear of what? The Unknown! I feared death, loneliness, tragedy, loss! You name it, I feared it! I've allowed the fear of what "may" happen tomorrow rob me of the joy of what had actually happened today! Listening to myself say that out loud in hindsight I realize how foolish I was! The things is, it wasn't events, people, or actions I feared, it was words! I feared words fueled by doubt. All the enemy had to do is speak doubt and I ate it up! Fear comes from doubt in the sovereignty of the God of the known and unknown! Faith drives out fear because it calls out the lies of the enemy as he speaks doubt! And even if tragedy happens, even if my worst fears come true the promise of God is that it will pass and eternal life will come! My trial doesn't define me, my fears can't confine me, my pain can't keep reminding me because one day they'll all be gone and I'll be with Christ who died for me! Don't trust what you see, trust what you know! If you go outside on a clear night and look up in the sky you can see, at most, three thousand stars and God named each one of them! Isn't that beautiful and amazing? But there's an unseen reality, you only see up to three thousand with the naked eye but there are billions and billions of stars that you can't see and he named them too! God is the God of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown! Scripture says that not even a sparrow falls from the sky without God's concent! He says the hairs on our head are numbered! If God is that meticulous in naming and hanging the stars, if he's so focused on the safety of some of his smallest creatures then I'm pretty sure he's watching over me! Why should I fear? He sees what I can't and knows what I don't. It's not about what I see it's about what I know and what I know is that I may make my plans but God directs my steps! Trust suffocates fear! Kill it and live in freedom!

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