Friday, July 21, 2017

My Burden for the Blind, Deceived, and Diluted

Scripture teaches us that as unregenerate enemies of God we are dead in our trespasses and sin, completely removed from righteousness. My heart is burdened daily for those who are without redemption in Christ! The focus of almost all Evangelical ministry is directed towards these people, rightly so as the last command of Christ tells us to go and make disciples of all nations.

But, what about those on local church pews, in the pulpit, in ministry? We would be naive to think that everyone who are in those places are regenerate, born-again Christians yet we rarely do anything to bring them to the truth! Even my own ministry is this way, every Wednesday we spend time investing our life and the Gospel into the addict, the alcoholic, the abuser, the broken and almost never, I mean NEVER, do I speak up and speak out about heresy, false doctrine, or false gospel's to someone's face it's always from the pulpit!


Because we love comfort and hate confrontation! There are people I love, some in my family, friends I grew up with, people I went to church with that profess Christ yet by thier actions and by what they believe, or lack of what they know and believe, it's evident that they are FAR from Christ. I know what you're thinking, how do you know you're right and their wrong? I would be foolish if I didn't believe wholeheartedly that the truth I have is correct, I mean I not only stake my life on it but I stake my eternity on it.

The problem is, a majority of christians have no idea what they really believe, they've never even read the Bible in it's entirety, they've never studied to show themselves approved, they wouldn't even be able to explain the Trinity, the Gospel, nor lead someone to Christ and make them a disciple! You may say that's bold, arrogant, and judgmental but it's reality and Christ himself was harsh to those who claimed to know God and yet we're far from him. He even called them the sons of the devil!

I'm not saying we should be angry, hurtful, divisive or anything of the sort but why are we not burdened and acting? Why are we silent? Why are we not holding them accountable? We will be accountable before God. I challenge you to be burdened with me, to pray with me that God would open their eyes, their hearts, and their ears and our mouths and they would turn from being blind, deceived, and diluted! God bless!

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