So often in church lingo we hear the words Mercy and Grace. Yet I don't think we truly conceptualize the infinite value or cost of Grace. We hear the generic definitions of each, mercy is when we don't get what we do deserve (pardon), and Grace is unmerited favor (we get what we don't deserve). Both of these definitions are true but they fail to truly allow the recipient of mercy and Grace to see and understand just what grace is. There's a reality that is rarely preached, it's a vital core to the Gospel. That truth is this, if we fall madly in love with grace, if we are awestruck by grace, if we are blinded by grace then we will be the children of God he intended us to be. So many want a check list of do's and don'ts so when they're completed they can feel good about themselves and believe that they're "good enough." This is called the prIde of life, boasting in the flesh. The reality is simple, no on is EVER good enough. All I hear from the legalistic crowd is, don't do this, don't do that, shame, regret, and hopelessness. Here's a good illustration, I never wake up telling myself I better not commit adultery today, I better not commit adultery today, I better not commit adultery today. Why? Because I'm so in love, so awestruck, so dedicated to my wife that those thoughts are not even in question. All I hear from the left is that God loves you no matter what you do, live life and do what you want and God will forgive you. While this is technically true, someone who really understands grace would be so enamored by its beauty and would thus strive to uphold it's integrity. Let me ask you a question, what would you do to someone who murdered your child? It'd be hard not to do or wish them harm. It'd be even harder to forgive. Let's use that thought in light of Grace. What would grace do? Mercy would be to pardon the killer, he doesn't get the punishment he deserves. Now listen how far grace goes. Grace says, you murdered my child. I pardon you, I forgive you, I adopt you as my own, you are now my child, that's not it though, I will bless you as much as I blessed my own child, I'll give you everything I have and everything I am! I am grace, and I have no limits! You say, Preacher, that can't be true. Think about it, we murdered God's son, Jesus Christ, with our sins. His death was a door, a door to mercy. Because of his death we obtained mercy, we don't get the Hell that's deserving because of our sin. He then adopts us as children, joint heirs with the one whom we slayed! Then he proceeds to bless us, lead us, and love us, just as he loved his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. And at the end of it all, he gives us all that he has and all he is! See, if we truly understand Grace, there's nothing else that has enough beauty to cause us to even consider stepping outside of Grace! Fall in love with Grace, be swept away!
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