Children and The Church
From its inception children have been an integral part of the local church. Often referred to as the church of tomorrow but recognized as a part of the church of today. But there’s an unexpected enemy, a subtle ideology that often starts with good intentions but does more damage than good. I’m talking about children’s church.
The Danger
If you’re still with me please hear me out. It wasn’t until modern times, like the last five minutes, did it dawn on people in the church to think that it would be a good idea to remove children from the corporate worship of the local church out of the supervision of their parents and out from under the anointed preaching of the ordained minister to spend time coloring, hearing a five minute lesson from a good intentioned lady(often the pastors wife), and receive snacks before ending with the rambunctious chaos of playtime and pickup. We not only champion it but we promote it and advertise it. Many today will make choices of where they go to church based on the children’s ministry instead of doctrine! It really is quite disturbing!
The sad part is this, it isn’t until years later when these kids hit their teenage years that we see the flawed results in their behavior, beliefs, and lifestyles. You know, those kids who grew up in church but not in Christ!
On top of that we are giving parents an easy out concerning manners and discipline. We tell them, don’t worry about making your kids behave, we’ll just remove them from the sanctuary so you can focus on getting you a blessing. It is ludicrous. Then we sit in wonder as we question why our children misbehave and don’t respect authority. It’s because we have conditioned them to do so! If you wait til they’re 8, 9, or 10 years old to start teaching them manners and courtesy or to reverence the house of Worship you’ve lost the battle. While you’ve been enjoying your church date with your wife you have abdicated your responsibilities as a Father and an example to those children that you deem too much of a hassle to make mind in the sanctuary.
I’m not naive so I expect a LOT of pushback but just ask yourself this question. When is it ever wise to think someone needs less church, less preaching, and less genuine corporate worship? We know the answer yet we think it doesn’t apply to children.
The Added Danger
There’s another issue to deal with on this topic. What about the few women who miss out on the powerful, anointed, biblical preaching from the ordained minister week in and week out? We’re not only abdicating our responsibilities to our children but also to our wives and other women who choose to babysit our children and miss the Word of God so maybe we won’t lay out of church because our kids won’t behave!
The church is a body. We need every member. The eye needs the hand and the hand needs the feet and the feet need the ears and on and on we could go yet Sunday after Sunday we send all our little fingers out with an arm and a leg and then wonder why our worship is lacking power and authority!
Please don’t hate the messenger. I was once a proponent! My wife, as the pastors wife, has spent many a Sunday helping in children’s church. But when I get to the scriptures I don’t see it anywhere! When I look at church history, I don’t see it anywhere. And when I take time to truly evaluate it and look at the results, I must repent that I ever thought it a wise and good ministry.