Stop Hiding Behind The Mask!
With Halloween right around the corner this thought kept stirring in my soul. The thought of how we tend to put on a mask each and every time we walk out our front door. Many times we walk into church on Sunday morning lying about how we feel. We may never speak a word but we lie with our masks that we wear! Do we not realize that this is bearing false witness? We want help, we want to overcome the troubles of
this life but we don't want to communicate or open up about our troubles. It's as if we're ashamed that we're struggling when each and every person around us is struggling with something just the same. The reality is, this is pride in its most pure form! It's time to take off our masks, confess our faults, failures, and sins, and live in the freedom that Christ has given us. I remember as a kid I would typically wear a costume for Halloween but after a few years of wearing costumes that had masks I would always ask my mom to get me a costume that didn't have a mask. You see, I'm claustrophobic, and have you noticed that when you put on a mask and it has that one tiny slit to breathe through you tend to get sweaty, its hard to breathe, and you tend to lose your breathe and desire to be set free from the mask! This is what your soul feels every time you grab that spiritual mask and put on a show. The group "Casting Crowns" calls it the "Stained Glass Masquerade!" You were just in a heated argument with your wife on your way to church yet you put on a smile and act as if nothing is wrong! Your personal life is falling apart yet when asked how you're doing you reply with a bold "just fine!" You can't get the support and help without sharing the symptoms. Do you go to the doctor and when he asks how you're doing do you say "just fine?" Absolutely not! You reveal your symptoms, hoping he has a remedy! Yet we bottle everything up spiritually, put on our masks, and act like life is just dandy and blame God and everyone else when our lives are in shambles! TAKE OFF THE MASK! Be transparent, wear your emotions and troubles on your sleeve, confess your faults, open up about your struggles with sin, a real man, a real woman will always realize they can't make it alone and that they need help along the journey! We all are so easily offended and worried about what everyone's going to think of us when if they're true Disciples of
Christ they will help you bear your burden. There's strength in numbers. I'm tired of churches being full of fake, mask wearing, middle class clone mannequins! The next time you walk out the door, leave the mask behind! Be you, be real, be honest, be transparent. And for all those that don't like you for it, leave them in the rearview and reach forth for the kingdom of God!
Luke 12:2King James Version (KJV)
2 For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.
James 5:16King James Version (KJV)
16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.